Our Services

Pelvic Floor Therapy

Lymphedema Therapy

Breast Cancer Rehab

Lymph Massage

Now Available for Speaking Events and Workshops, scroll down to learn more!


Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy


Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy is rehabilitation to help restore proper function of the pelvic floor muscles. These muscles live at the bottom of the pelvis. They work like any other skeletal muscle (think bicep or tricep) in your body. Their job is to help control your bladder and bowel, support your organs, aid in sexual function and help with trunk control. Your physical therapy visit will include a consultation regarding your overall health and history of your condition. A comprehensive physical examination and evaluation will be performed up to your comfort level. Your physical therapist may then use different modalities to address your concerns, these can include:

Pelvic floor strengthening (kegels)

Pelvic floor relaxation or stretching

Manual therapy techniques - internal or external as appropriate

Screen and treat hip, low back and core dysfunction

EMG biofeedback or electric stimulation

Visceral mobilization


Myofascial release techniques

Scar mobilization

Use of vaginal dilators

Lymphedema Therapy


Lymphedema is a condition characterized by chronic swelling and inflammation. This occurs because lymph nodes are removed or damaged, part of the lymph system is compromised due to other health conditions, or you were born with a genetic predisposition. Lymphedema therapy is traditionally referred to as Complete Decongestive Therapy (CDT). This therapy is composed of 5 parts, these include compression/bandaging, lymph massage known as Manual Lymph Drainage (MLD), skin care, education regarding self care techniques and exercise.

Breast Cancer Rehab


After breast cancer treatment patients can experience symptoms that limit mobility and function. These can come from surgery (such as lumpectomy, mastectomy or reconstruction), lymph node dissection or radiation. These can include decreased range of motion, scar tissue, postural dysfunction, shoulder or chest wall pain, numbness and tingling, muscle weakness, discomfort with expanders or implants, rib/thoracic pain, headaches or swelling. A breast cancer therapist can help you address these concerns specific to your cancer treatment and modify accordingly.

Lymph Massage


Lymph Massage or Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) can be beneficial for anyone looking to help support the lymphatic system. Lymph massage helps flush your body of toxins, reduce water retention and support immunity. Lymph drainage massage uses a gentle technique that focuses on skin stretch to activate the lymphatic channels. Whether you have a history of swelling, current swelling or just want to help detoxify your body, lymph massage can be a vital part of your maintenance plan. You can choose to do a full body lymph massage or cater your massage to a specific body part of choice.

Wellness Visit

No symptoms? But looking to prevent them in the future. A key component to wellness is prevention. A wellness visit could be a perfect fit for you.

  • Don’t know where to start? We can discuss your goals and help to set up a general exercise program to address them (ex: improve bone health, strength, cardiovascular function, etc)

  • Concerned about menopausal symptoms such as vaginal dryness or prolapse? We can discuss a good maintenance program, education and exercise to prevent these changes.

  • Have you had cancer or are concerned about lymphedema? We can educate you on risk reduction practices and the lymphatic system, and screen for swelling by taking baseline measurements.

  • Looking for a healthy pregnancy/delivery? We can educate you on basic exercise and lifestyle modifications to help create a pregnancy plan that best fits your needs.

Speaking Events and Workshops

Michelle feels strongly that knowledge is power. In fact, the part she loves most about being a women’s health provider is teaching, educating and offering women information on how to better care for their body, mind and soul. She finds it a great gift to offer this valuable material to women in larger groups and communities. She is available for speaking engagements, or to host workshops, informational sessions and women’s groups both virtually and in the Northern Colorado community.

Telehealth appointments now available!